Uiver Memorial Community Trust (UMCT)

The board currently comprises ten directors from a range of professional backgrounds complementary to the objective of restoring Albury’s DC-2.

The present board is Pieter Mol (Chair), Ivo Mol (Secretary), John Gunston, Daryl Betteridge, Nicole Thomas, Tim Arnott, Jenny Tanner, John Forster-Knight (Treasurer).

Background of the UMCT

Nicole Fransen, Pieter Mol and Ivo Mol, were committed supporters of retaining and restoring the Uiver Memorial DC-2 in Albury. When council announced their decision to dispose of the aircraft through an Expression of Interest (EOI) process, the three joined forces and submitted an EOI under the informal banner of the Uiver Memorial Museum Group (UMMG).

They had a vision to build a hanger, relocate the aircraft, and restore the plane to museum standard for static display. In March 2013, UMMG was selected as the winning tender by council, and the dream to restore this Albury icon to its former glory began. Under the terms of the UMMG proposal, a not-for-profit organisation (UMCT) was formed, with a Board of Governance of individuals representing various sectors of the community affiliated with, or supporting, the Uiver Project.

AlburyCity Mayor, Kevin Mack, formally signed over ownership of the DC-2 to UMCT in October 2014, prior to a the weekend of celebrations for the 80th anniversary of the Uiver rescue.

About Us

(Back, L > R) Frank Zaknich, Ivo Mol, Deputy Mayor Ross Jackson, and Brad Ferris. (Front, L > R) Nicole Fransen, and Albury Mayor Kevin Mack, 2014.

Mission Statement

Uiver Memorial

To create a permanent, sustainable museum to commemorate the historic Albury landing of the KLM DC-2 during the 1934 London to Melbourne air race. This is to be achieved by

  • Restoring a DC-2 aircraft to form the focus of a museum
  • Establishing a museum to house the aircraft and related displays
  • Enabling ongoing education of our community, students and visitors to ensure that the “Uiver story” remains prominent in our history.

This community project is powered by donations and volunteers.


© Copyright Uiver Memorial Community Trust 2012-2025
Website provided pro bono by Ian Cossor. Hosting kindly donated by Coxtech