90th Anniversary Open Day, held on Saturday, 26th of October, was a huge success, with a record number of visitors taking the opportunity to see how much has been achieved in the restoration of the Uiver memorial DC-2. The day was an important fundraiser for the project and we thank all who attended.
A special feature of the day was the launch by the Dutch Ambassador of our book ‘To Australia in Three Days’, the first English translation of the 1935 book by Captain Parmentier detailing his experience of the flight of the Uiver DC-2 in the 1934 race.
The book is available for purchase here.
Thank you to all Wodonga Albury Camera Club members who participated in this event. Prizes were awarded for Best Photograph Overall, Best Colour Image and Best Monochrome Image. Click/tap on images for large view.
Best Overall – WINNER, D. Willis
Best Colour – WINNER, D. Willis
Best Monochrome – WINNER, W. Stanford
Monochrome – RUNNER UP, D. Groch
Colour – RUNNER UP D. Sheppard
Monochrome – RUNNER UP, L. Peacock
Monochrome – RUNNER UP, M. Jacob
Monochrome – RUNNER UP, Y. Schnelle
© Copyright Uiver Memorial Community Trust 2012-2025
Website provided pro bono by Ian Cossor. Hosting kindly donated by Coxtech